Strategic partnership to launch first of kind long‑acting delivery innovation
How iterative strategic support helped enable sustained investment and an agile launch that beat expectations by a year

Strategic foresight
Launch planning
Our client, a top 5 pharma, faced intense in-market competition that was eroding the business case for long-term investment. Over the course of almost a decade, different teams across the program have faced a broad range of strategic challenges that have required Coactuate support. This has included addressing disruptions caused by an aggressive competitor, developing a series of strategic plans for new therapies progressing through the clinical development process, refining go-to-market strategy, and building out a franchise program to support multiple new launches and an increasingly ambitious pipeline.
Bespoke Strategic Support
Our long-term partnership included a range of strategic support tailored to the growing complexity and capabilities of the team, and the evolving needs of the program. Purpose-built engagements delivered shared ownership and sustained alignment across the client team.
Plan for Present, Structure for Future
At first, a multi-horizon strategy informed both near term competitive positioning, and long-term lifecycle investment that included the first of its kind drug delivery platform and a robust label expansion program to evolve the core value proposition. Leadership investment ensured commitment to the program, while the long-term strategy enabled restructuring of the team to manage multiple parallel workstreams tailored to program needs.
Value Proposition for Success
Coactuate supported iterative integrated strategic planning for several assets including developing a robust value proposition to guide clinical development and commercial efforts, a nuanced gap analysis to guide evidence generation, and positioning to clarify portfolio rationale. Shared value propositions across multiple development teams enabled clarity for Phase 3 design, leading to alignment on a streamlined approach that cut over 12 months from development timelines.
Launch Strategy to Capture Excitement
At Phase 3 kick-off, Coactuate supported a unique cross-functional launch strategy engagement that embedded qualitative insights across leadership to achieve a shared understanding of the needs and challenges felt developing and launching the first of its kind product. At a time with extremely high growth across the teams, this shared vision ensured alignment and dramatically reduced swirl for onboarding teams.
Continued Strategic Support
Ongoing strategic support has included integrated strategic planning for commercialization, with launch plans considered best-in-class, and spin off tactical support for key HCP initiatives where high degree of co-creation was required to understand nuanced treater needs. Coactuate has now shifted to early pipeline support, generating Disease Area strategies that address known unmet patient needs. We have helped leadership build confidence in the potential of a highly ambitious development pipeline seeking to fundamentally change how patients are cared for in the future.
Sustained Growth for Investment
Consistent growth and success against in-market commercial targets has enabled sustained investment in the therapeutic area.
Co-positioned Blockbusters
Currently launching or in-market with two best-in-class therapies recognized as major growth drivers for the organization, with differentiated value propositions for patients.
Committed Pipeline
Robust pipeline, with over 20 new molecular entities in development with strong strategic vision to deepen and broaden impact across the comprehensive therapeutic area.